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Terror Threats

C U CLEAR Officially Launches the Security Augmentation Force & Protective Security Services

The Security Augmentation Force (SAF) was designed to provide protective security services to governmental agencies, businesses, educational institutions, religious organizations, and local authorities with a well vetted SAF who are licensed, credentialed, insured, and highly trained to provide these unique personal and public safety services. The SAF’s mission is to prevent, detect, and deter any acts of communicated threats, violence, and/or the potential threat of an inspired act of terrorism, whether it be foreign or domestic, from happening at these entities.

By |2020-10-24T12:05:37+00:00January 7th, 2016|C U CLEAR, Gun Control, Mental Stability, National Security, Neglient Hiring, Personnel Security, Public Safety, Security Augmentation Force, Terror Threats|Comments Off on C U CLEAR Officially Launches the Security Augmentation Force & Protective Security Services

The Gun Control Debate

Following the tragedies of school massacres such as those at Columbine High School in 1999, Virginia Tech in 2007, Northern Illinois University in 2008, Tucson shooting in 2011, Newton-Connecticut in 2012, the Washington Navy Yard in 2013, the 2015 shootings of news Reporter Allison Parker and cameraman Adam Ward earlier this year in Virginia, to the tragedy school shooting at the Oregon Umpqua Community College, and most recent San Bernardino, CA shootings has reignited the intense debate about gun control and gun violence legislation and the rights movement to bear arms in accordance with the Second Amendment to the United States Constitution.

By |2015-12-04T19:26:31+00:00December 4th, 2015|C U CLEAR, Gun Control, Mental Stability, Personnel Security, Terror Threats|Comments Off on The Gun Control Debate

TSA Failed to Identify 73 active Aviation workers with links to Terrorism and Lacked “Effective Controls”

Washington (CNN)The Department of Homeland Security's Inspector General on Monday dropped a report that reveals cracks in the Transportation Security Administration's process for vetting aviation workers.

By |2015-06-08T23:12:30+00:00June 8th, 2015|C U CLEAR, FAA, Terror Threats, TSA|Comments Off on TSA Failed to Identify 73 active Aviation workers with links to Terrorism and Lacked “Effective Controls”
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