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About Ozzy Ramos

Ozzy Ramos is CEO and founder of C U CLEAR. With an extensively successful investigation operations and United States Marine Corps military career, Mr. Ramos and his team of professional background investigating pioneers provide clients with innovative personnel security solutions and superior background screening services. The result is effective guidance in the "due diligence" process to protect the human capital investment made by corporations and small business owners.
Tel: 703.663.4994

Know The Difference Between Trust and Confidence

Protection Against Internal Threats Series: “Know The Difference Between Trust and Confidence” Not enough coverage is available on the Internet through insightful articles, blogs and discussions concerning the serious liabilities of internal or insider business threats.  This series of articles will educate and heighten your individual level of consciousness by focusing on the least observed security Achilles heel for any business.  Practical case scenarios with proven solutions are provided.  Following the Protection Against Internal Threat Series by C U Clear positions companies and organizations to proactively protect assets and information from internal vulnerabilities and threats. Our goal is to help you minimize situations that can lead to incidents of workplace violence. At C U CLEAR we keenly appreciate that recruitment of high caliber talent is primary. Notwithstanding, a company that adopts this practice places themselves at risk in many aspects. We know  that the completion of the background checks and/or investigations, coupled with an “all clear” final report without issues signals the responsible human capital officials that the new employee may enter the companies premises and be considered worthy of special “trust and confidence”. For a moment focus your attention on the difference between two words:  trust and confidence.  Trust implies just what it says.  Someone trusts another person to safeguard an item of value. This trust can cover something that is esteemed or treasured such as corporate secrets, client specific data, proprietary business strategies or internal operations information. Trust can also further extend to a point where management no longer needs to closely oversee or “micro manage” work tasks or actions of an employee.  A company or an organization may have an expectation that employees will always exercise decisions that are reflective of the [...]

By |2020-10-24T12:05:37+00:00September 16th, 2015|Employer Due Diligence, Personnel Security, Uncategorized|Comments Off on Know The Difference Between Trust and Confidence

Does Securing IT Systems Protect Your Most Valuable Commodity?

Protection Against Internal Threats Series Does Securing IT Systems Protect Your Most Valuable Commodity? Not enough coverage is available on the Internet through insightful articles, blogs and discussions concerning the serious liabilities of internal or insider business threats.  This series of articles will educate and heighten your individual level of consciousness by focusing on the least observed security Achilles heel for any business.  Practical case scenarios with proven solutions are provided. Following the Protection Against Internal Threat Series by C U Clear positions companies and organizations to proactively protect assets and information from internal vulnerabilities. Our goal is to help you minimize situations that can harm company reputation, client / customer relationships and head off potential incidents of workplace violence. Most companies and organizations invest large amounts of capital in the physical protection of information technology assets. This technology investment comes with consultants that maintain hardware and program software safeguards. Company executives mistakenly develop a false sense of security thinking this approach protects their most valuable commodity; employees, customers or clients. Protecting information is important.   In today’s fast paced cyber world, the acquisition of the latest information technology systems capable of withstanding and recovering from external (and I would add internal) cyber threats is a ‘soup du jour’. Others spend capital on erecting complex, elaborate and technically enhanced physical security systems. How do organizations fulfill an even more critical, often overlooked, task of protecting employees and customers?  Smart CEO’s and savvy senior executives can enhance security in several areas: Enforcing a strict policy on vetting new employees, as well as periodic background reviews of current employees. Conducting comprehensive background checks, to include any documented criminal activities, arrest records, warrants, financial stability assessments (credit), driving records, education and employment verifications. Developing or [...]

By |2020-10-24T12:05:37+00:00September 1st, 2015|Employer Due Diligence, Personnel Security, Security Clearance|Comments Off on Does Securing IT Systems Protect Your Most Valuable Commodity?

10 Smart Pre-Employment Hiring Strategies To Mitigate RISK

Stop hiring friends, relatives, referrals, or former industry colleagues simply because of your known association. You love your family and you have those friends within your circle that you trust just as much who you believe can help succeed. The dispassionate question to ask yourself is “does the person I’m consider hiring for my vacant position have anything in their background that could potentially bring discredit to your organization and its success? That is a Yes or No question. There is no wiggle room for personal relationships when it comes to making decisions that impact your business, its public name, brand, and reputation resulting from the legal implications associated with hiring an immoral person with a highly questionable criminal history or troubled past. A common thread that we find happening far too often are company’s; especially federal contractors, hiring people just because they actively hold and maintain a federal “security clearance” and not exercising their due diligence by conducting a thorough comprehensive background check commensurate to the position level of the person being hired . C U CLEAR continues to raise the level of awareness of this very FATAL assumption and mistake. Note that depending on the level of clearance there are gaps within the period of their last investigation to the current time of the new position that can be detrimental to your business. Our workshops and consultant provided by C U CLEAR can take the guesswork out of this common overlooked issue and assumption that is becoming far too familiar among today’s federal government and contractors industry. We see a repeatable occurrence among all other businesses and organizations across America which people are being hired without properly vetting them or exercising “due diligence” [...]

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