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Maryville schools eyes drug testing for student athletes

Over the last several years, Maryville City Schools has lost several former student athletes to drug overdoses. Most notably, Aaron Douglas, a freshman All-America at the University of Tennessee who died from an overdose at a house party in Fernandina Beach, Fla., in 2011.

By |2020-10-24T12:05:37+00:00December 10th, 2015|C U CLEAR, Drug & Alcohol Testing, Youth Sports|Comments Off on Maryville schools eyes drug testing for student athletes

The Gun Control Debate

Following the tragedies of school massacres such as those at Columbine High School in 1999, Virginia Tech in 2007, Northern Illinois University in 2008, Tucson shooting in 2011, Newton-Connecticut in 2012, the Washington Navy Yard in 2013, the 2015 shootings of news Reporter Allison Parker and cameraman Adam Ward earlier this year in Virginia, to the tragedy school shooting at the Oregon Umpqua Community College, and most recent San Bernardino, CA shootings has reignited the intense debate about gun control and gun violence legislation and the rights movement to bear arms in accordance with the Second Amendment to the United States Constitution.

By |2015-12-04T19:26:31+00:00December 4th, 2015|C U CLEAR, Gun Control, Mental Stability, Personnel Security, Terror Threats|Comments Off on The Gun Control Debate

5.6 million fingerprints stolen in personnel data hack, U.S. government says

WASHINGTON (Reuters) – Hackers who stole security clearance data on millions of Defense Department and other U.S. government employees got away with about 5.6 million fingerprint records, some 4.5 million more than initially reported, the government said on Wednesday.

By |2015-09-25T01:32:59+00:00September 25th, 2015|C U CLEAR, Cyber Hack, Negligent Supervision & Training, OPM, Personnel Security, Security Clearance|Comments Off on 5.6 million fingerprints stolen in personnel data hack, U.S. government says

OPM’s Return to Paper Security Clearance Processing Roils Contractors, Lawmakers

The Office of Personnel Management has decided to take a step back in an attempt to move forward after hackers breached files containing sensitive data on millions of current and former federal employees, but some stakeholders are not fully on board with the plan.

By |2015-07-08T01:49:22+00:00July 8th, 2015|C U CLEAR, OPM, Personnel Security, Security Clearance|Comments Off on OPM’s Return to Paper Security Clearance Processing Roils Contractors, Lawmakers

Shutdown of security clearance system could cause dramatic delays and disruptions, industry says

The abrupt shutdown of the nation’s beleaguered security clearance system will further hamper a program that has been beset by all sorts of problems over the past few years, creating a significant backlog and potentially even disrupting key government operations, industry officials say.

By |2015-07-01T19:37:04+00:00July 1st, 2015|C U CLEAR, Cyber Hack, Cyber Security, Employer Due Diligence, Personnel Security, Security Clearance|Comments Off on Shutdown of security clearance system could cause dramatic delays and disruptions, industry says

10 Smart Pre-Employment Hiring Strategies To Mitigate RISK

Stop hiring friends, relatives, referrals, or former industry colleagues simply because of your known association. You love your family and you have those friends within your circle that you trust just as much who you believe can help succeed. The dispassionate question to ask yourself is “does the person I’m consider hiring for my vacant position have anything in their background that could potentially bring discredit to your organization and its success? That is a Yes or No question. There is no wiggle room for personal relationships when it comes to making decisions that impact your business, its public name, brand, and reputation resulting from the legal implications associated with hiring an immoral person with a highly questionable criminal history or troubled past. A common thread that we find happening far too often are company’s; especially federal contractors, hiring people just because they actively hold and maintain a federal “security clearance” and not exercising their due diligence by conducting a thorough comprehensive background check commensurate to the position level of the person being hired . C U CLEAR continues to raise the level of awareness of this very FATAL assumption and mistake. Note that depending on the level of clearance there are gaps within the period of their last investigation to the current time of the new position that can be detrimental to your business. Our workshops and consultant provided by C U CLEAR can take the guesswork out of this common overlooked issue and assumption that is becoming far too familiar among today’s federal government and contractors industry. We see a repeatable occurrence among all other businesses and organizations across America which people are being hired without properly vetting them or exercising “due diligence” [...]

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