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Personnel Security

Shutdown of security clearance system could cause dramatic delays and disruptions, industry says

The abrupt shutdown of the nation’s beleaguered security clearance system will further hamper a program that has been beset by all sorts of problems over the past few years, creating a significant backlog and potentially even disrupting key government operations, industry officials say.

By |2015-07-01T19:37:04+00:00July 1st, 2015|C U CLEAR, Cyber Hack, Cyber Security, Employer Due Diligence, Personnel Security, Security Clearance|Comments Off on Shutdown of security clearance system could cause dramatic delays and disruptions, industry says

10 Smart Pre-Employment Hiring Strategies To Mitigate RISK

Stop hiring friends, relatives, referrals, or former industry colleagues simply because of your known association. You love your family and you have those friends within your circle that you trust just as much who you believe can help succeed. The dispassionate question to ask yourself is “does the person I’m consider hiring for my vacant position have anything in their background that could potentially bring discredit to your organization and its success? That is a Yes or No question. There is no wiggle room for personal relationships when it comes to making decisions that impact your business, its public name, brand, and reputation resulting from the legal implications associated with hiring an immoral person with a highly questionable criminal history or troubled past. A common thread that we find happening far too often are company’s; especially federal contractors, hiring people just because they actively hold and maintain a federal “security clearance” and not exercising their due diligence by conducting a thorough comprehensive background check commensurate to the position level of the person being hired . C U CLEAR continues to raise the level of awareness of this very FATAL assumption and mistake. Note that depending on the level of clearance there are gaps within the period of their last investigation to the current time of the new position that can be detrimental to your business. Our workshops and consultant provided by C U CLEAR can take the guesswork out of this common overlooked issue and assumption that is becoming far too familiar among today’s federal government and contractors industry. We see a repeatable occurrence among all other businesses and organizations across America which people are being hired without properly vetting them or exercising “due diligence” [...]

Secret Service officers at White House lacked security clearances, officials say

A rush to recruit additional Secret Service officers in the wake of numerous White House security lapses has led to a new problem: Several dozen of the fresh arrivals have been posted in sensitive positions without completing the required national security clearance process, according to two government officials familiar with the situation.

By |2015-06-10T19:31:15+00:00June 10th, 2015|C U CLEAR, Personnel Security, Security Clearance|Comments Off on Secret Service officers at White House lacked security clearances, officials say

Home > U.S. Feds Looking Into Whether Hack of US Government Affected Private Citizens Too

Federal investigators are trying to determine whether the massive hack into federal systems announced this past week impacted far more than the estimated 4 million current and former government employees already acknowledged by the Obama administration, sources familiar with the matter told ABC News.

By |2015-06-08T23:07:10+00:00June 8th, 2015|C U CLEAR, Cyber Hack, Cyber Security, Personnel Security|Comments Off on Home > U.S. Feds Looking Into Whether Hack of US Government Affected Private Citizens Too

Creepy Driver Responsibility of Shuttle Company

I was being driven home from the airport to my house in San Diego in one of those shuttle van services. After dropping off two others, I was the last passenger. I had given the guy my address when I got into the van. The driver, a middle-aged guy started creeping me out as he asked me about myself such as whether I was single, married, had a boyfriend, etc. Then he started asking me what kind of sex I liked and started telling me what kind of things he liked to do. It made me afraid.

By |2015-04-30T21:13:53+00:00April 30th, 2015|Employer Due Diligence, Personnel Security|Comments Off on Creepy Driver Responsibility of Shuttle Company
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